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Subject: information about Biotechnology
Date: 1-Jul-2008
Question: I want to know about the subjects in biotechnology and what it actually deals with?
Answer: Biotechnology in simple words particularly for students is the exploitation of living cells such as microbial, plant or animal cells and other natural resources at the molecular level. And main aim is to produce a particular product of improved quality. Some of the objectives of Biotechnology are:
  1. Improving human health
  2. Ending hunger
  3. Meeting our energy and environmental needs (Biofuels)
  4. Defending our home land (vaccines, sensors, biometric devices)
  5. Catalyzing new innovations (for creation of self-healing, self-assembling networks and new materials and processes).

Some of the main subjects in Biotechnology are:

  1. Microbiology
  2. Plant tissue culture
  3. Biophysics
  4. Biostatistics
  5. Enzyme technology
  6. Biochemistry
  7. Genetics and Molecular biology
  8. Fermentation
  9. Immunology
  10. Bioprocess technology
  11. Bioinformatics
  12. Animal tissue culture
  13. IPR
  14. Environmental biotechnology

Hope that helps.

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CareerAge Counselor