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Subject: How to get the Job?
Date: 26-Jun-2008
Question: I joined Engineering course in the year 2000. I still have to clear 2 subjects. I lost a year after 6th semester. I finished my course in 2006. I got married in 2006 and I have a 13 month old baby. I have written the exam for those two subjects in june 2008 and I am waiting for the results. I want to start working now and be independent. I have total support from my husband to do anything I want, but no support from my In-Laws. I live in a joint family with them. I can leave my baby in a daycare center. Can you please suggest me what can I do to start my career. I have lost all hopes about ever clearing my papers. It is very difficult for me to study while looking after my baby, doing household chores side by side. My results might come in another 1 or 1.5 months.
Answer: First of all, it is very important for you is to be confident, faith in yourself not lose any hope if it takes some time.

With self confidence and support from your husband you can conquer any difficult situation.

You have not mentioned that you have done Engineering in which subject. You must brush up all your basics which you have studied in Engineering, identify the field in which you want to make your career. Read as much about it from books, Internet and arm yourself with all the knowledge one may require to face the interview.

While you prepare, keep applying for the Jobs in the area in which you want to make your career and be confident to express that in Job application and while facing interview. Companies are more willing to take a person who has a go-getter and Can-do approach and who is confident and knows about the area of interest.

We wish you all the best. If you would like to discuss this further, please log on to:

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