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Subject: What is best after B.Tech (Biotech) ?
Date: 16-Jun-2008
Question: 1) I'm 25 yrs old, btech( biotech) unemployed i got admission into 1.MBA @ NIT WARANGAL 2. MTECH @ IIIT HYD BIOINFORMATICS where i should go?

2) Are more job oppurtunities are present in MBA / M.TECH bioinformatics? which one is better mba/ mtech bioinformatics?

pls help me.

Satish. B

Answer: Hi Satish.B

Both NIT Warangal and IIIT HYD are good institutes in their respective fields. Since both provide expertise in different fields you actually can't compare them. Management and Technical both are different fields, so it depends on your interest which field excites you. Unfortunately in our society interest comes second and placement after course comes first. So, if you are looking placement wise simply contact placement cells of both institutes and then accordingly make your decision.

Both courses provide good job opportunities after their completion. Everything depends on your abilities and also on your love for the subject. For bioinformatics you have to be good in molecular biology and have to have good knowledge of computer programming languages. Apart from this knowledge of Linux, Perl, python, java is an added advantage. So kindly consider these facts before deciding,

Best of luck...
CareerAge Counselor