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Subject: Career Options available for a 32 years old graduate
Date: 24-Jul-2008
Question: I am 32 years old and a Graduate from School of Correspondence, Delhi Univ. with 43% marks. I am working for last 7 years in various corporates as EA to senior management. Now I want to change my career but am unsure about my choices. Please advise. I earn 35,000/- per month
Answer: You should assess your aptitude, personality and interests very carefully. Sharpen your skills through in-depth study and practice. It is not necessary that every job requires a B.E. /M.C.A There are ample jobs even for diploma holders and graduates who have the right skills.

Since you have 7 years of experience in the same job, it would be hard for you to change the line of your work and to change a career you would need to develop some new skills either in computers or any other area that interests you. And I think you are earning quite try to improve yourself in the same field rather than switching over to a new job.

You may join part time (and if you can afford to leave job, full time) MBA from an Institute of repute. This would be a definite plus for you to evaluate your options and to take your career to next level.

All the best
CareerAge Counselor